A more visual look at what web 2.0 is

While searching on Digg.com I came across this great intro video into what web 2.0 is. I would highly recommend anyone who is introducing web 2.0 to their workplace or classroom to use this video to convey how web 2.0 has developed and why there was a need for an evolution in the way we used the internet. Created by Michael Wesch this video explains why HTML became obsolete as a way to program websites and why a new language, XML is so powerful and enabled the web to become the web that we love today, a used based and influenced network that sustains life only through our interaction.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/NLlGopyXT_g" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

One thought on “A more visual look at what web 2.0 is

  1. This is my favorite educational YouTube video! It’s informative, entertaining, and thought provoking. I have used it many times, with both faculty and students alike. It asks some great questions, too.

    Here is my other favorite, thought-provoking YouTube video, which covers preparing 21st Century Learners for success in a networked, rapidly-evolving, global world. Have a look (some astonishing facts on internet marriage and MySpace, included…)

    Watch, Did You Know? on YouTube:

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