What is Web 2.0?

The internet has evolved into something more than many of us could ever predict. Information is instantly retrievable and knowledge has become limitless. One of the emerging ideas that has gained a lot momentum is user-end interaction with websites. Web developments like MySpace and Facebook are a few examples of how the internet community can come together to form something bigger than a team of web developers could ever produce on their own.

And simply put, that community production is what web 2.0 is all about. Web 2.0 was first coined by Tim O’Reilly at the 2004 Web 2.0 conference (1) as a defining phrase for the second generation of the internet, a collaboration of the many ideas of users all over the world and their contributing efforts to wikis, blogs, social networks and folksonomies.

Many businesses lately have been evolving into 2.0 standards. A company that I have grow and develop is Revision3. Revision3 is a completely web based television studio aimed at developing web shows that are on demand, high quality and professional. Their aim is to revolutionize how companies can broadcast series and shows on other mediums rather television. Despite Revision3 shows being only shown online, companies such as Netflix, Microsoft. Sony and GoDaddy.com have been paying up to $10,000 an episode for advertisement (2).

Revision3 is a great example of how to utilize the broadband speeds of the internet along with user requested content to provide viewers with a tv like viewing experience that they cannot receive from their television provider.

Question to readers:

Do you feel that the internet is developing in a productive way? Are applications such as facebook or online video services like Revision3 necessary tools that help develop connectivity between people? Are these new developments a response to our lack of satisfaction with the previous generation of the internet?

(1) http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

(2) http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/biz2/0702/gallery.nextnet.biz2/9.html

4 thoughts on “What is Web 2.0?

  1. I really like your topic. I feel that technology has advanced greatly over time and that sites such as Facebook and Myspace are both very helpful when trying to meet people and stay in touch with old friends. There are many negatives that come along with this new technology. Facebook, for example opened up to everyone not just college students which can be dangerous if one put out to much information and meets the wrong people. I disagree with the thought that new developments are a response to a lack of satisfication. I believe that these new delvelopments are to expand the way we connect with others.

  2. Applications such as Facebook is only negative if we make it negative. The comments that we leave on eachother’s pages reflect us as an individual. Facebook has the ability to keep people in constant contact. The lives that we live today are becoming increasingly time consuming and full of activity. We need a way to keep in contact with for example, our former high school classmates. Whatever negative publicity that one gets from Facebook is their own fault.

    ” Is the internet developing in a productive way?” My answer to that is yes. Again, we as hopeful future professionals should watch what we say and how we are portrayed on the internet. The internet is a useful tool for high school and college students, employers, professionals, etc. What is developing in a nonproductive way is our use of the internet. People are no longer conscientious of the way they depict themselves, their personalities, and their capabilities on the internet.

    With that said, I think we need to take a good look at our society and its development, not the development of the internet. We are in control of the internet; not the other way around.

  3. Your topic is timely and interesting, as are your questions.

    I do think the internet is developing in a productive/positive way since users are now co-developers. During the early growth of the web, development was spearheaded through commerce and by commercial entities for commercial purposes. Now that has changed, as users are codeveloping the internet for other, non-commercial purposes.

    Social networks, like Facebook and Revision 3 are certainly improving our connectivity and are indeed becoming necessary tools despite the digital divide and the many who don’t have reliable access to such networks. Two related and interesting videos on this topic are listed below:

    Frontline PBS special. “Growing Up Online” (covers pros and cons of social networking – some segments overemphasize risks more than needed):

    Social Networks Plain and Simple, YouTube (quick overview of social networks and their value):

  4. I believe that the internet is developing in a productive way. The internet has new technology that makes it easier for an individual to use. The internet also is making it easier for people to communicate. Facebook is not necessary for people to communicate with one another but, it does make it easier for people to keep in touch. These developments are not a response to our lack of satisfaction. These developments are invented so that there is an easier way to communicate. It is a new and improved way of communication but it was not because of our lack of satisfaction.

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