Monthly Archives: December 2013

Final thoughts on project


Josh Dion

Our project was the absorption of radiant energy.  The project as a whole was based off the fact that solar panels are black to absorb the most energy!  We found it to be true with the experiment we created.  White paper reflected light energy and black paper absorbed.  The project as a whole was a great experience.  I wish more people had come to the high schools to teach students about out project.  This was a great final because we made a project related to sustainable energy and technology.  It was good to work in groups and make a final project.

Thoughts on the Project – Khang

I’ve always known that dark material or clothes absorb more heat but this experiment confirms it. Although the temperature difference in the data isn’t as much as I expect it to be, but through this experiment we’ve proven that black material absorbs more heat than light material. I thought the lamps that we got from the lab were pretty cool because they’re not your normal household lamp. It was also really fun working in a group. By sharing ideas and opinions I felt like I’ve made some new friends. I hope we have another opportunity to work together again. Even though I could not make it to the high school trip, I was glad to hear that it went well. Thank you Josh for holding it down and thank you my group for the wonderful experience.


The final project for Sustainability was fun. I liked everyone’s projects and presentations. Many people had tons of ideas and they were all great. My favorite part of the whole final project was going to the high schools and presenting out projects though. I liked it because in the High Schools that we went to, I learned lots of things from it and i also saw many things that i didn’t normally see during my time at my High School.


the project was pretty easy and we didn’t encounter any problems with it. I wish I could’ve been there for the presentation but I couldn’t afford to miss calculus. We were able to complete the project fairly quickly and we weren’t confused about anything, so overall it was a success!