Daily Archives: November 21, 2013

Absorption of Radiant Energy: Lab Handout

Absorption of Radiant Energy

Josh, Suyash, Sarah, Adam, Khang


The purpose of this experiment is to see which color paper absorbs the most radiant energy.  The NXT Robots record temperature with 2 temperature probes.  This setup can determine the two separate temperatures at once.  With this test we can prove or disprove the theory of the amount of heat absorbed by white versus black material.



Solar Energy, a renewable form of energy, has solar panels that use radiant energy to generate electricity. A solar panel has solar cells which uses a thermal collector that uses the color black to collects heat by absorbing sunlight. Solar Energy is used widely across the world for various purposes. Scientists use solar energy to provide heat, light, electricity, and even cooling for businesses, homes and industry. The good thing about producing solar energy is that during and after the process, it gives off no pollution. Furthermore, Solar energy produces electricity very quietly. Another pro for using solar energy is that humanity will gradually depends less and less on fossil fuels and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas. Although Solar energy is really efficient and dependable, the initial cost is extremely high due to the super high cost of the solar cell. But once installed, they produce a free source of electricity.




– Let lamp heat up for 3-5 minutes

– Set up the temperature probes under each paper

– When lamp is heated start the NXT program provided which measures temperature.

– Hold lamp over papers for 5 minutes

– Record the result below.


Probe 1     Probe 2

White        Black

Minimum temperature ______ °F ______ °F

Maximum temperature ______ °F ______ °F



Calculate temp difference (∆t=tf–ti).

White ______ °F       Black______ °F


Which color had the largest temperature increase?


Solar collectors can be used to absorb the sun’s radiation and change it to heat. What color would work best for solar collectors? Explain.