Daily Archives: November 20, 2013

Demand Response


Demand Response is defined as: “Changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized.” (Wiki) This basically means that a demand response can limit the amount of electricity. Demand response is useful in many ways, Demand response programs are designed to be both fiscally and environmentally responsible ways to respond to occasional and temporary peak demand periods. The demand response is useful in which it is environmentally helpful and good for sustainable energy, mostly large companies use this to use a reasonable amount of energy and keep save electricity. If demand is really high for electricity then businesses can be shut down for inspection or other things. Overall, demand resp­onse programs give us residential, commercial and industrial consumers, the abi­lity to voluntarily trim our electricity usage at specific times of the day.  This is good and I would sign into if I had a company. So I could help other in need and it’s always good to save electricity




Pros and Cons of Keystone XL Pipeline

Pros and cons of keystone XL pipeline

The keystone pipeline system is a pipeline system to transport synthetic oil from Canada and crude oil to the gulf coast.  This system can be useful in some way but harmful in others.  The keystone pipeline system uses hundreds of miles of pipe.

The keystone has the ability to transport oil from Canada to the United States gulf coast. That is a huge distance that oil can travel without using vehicles to transport it.  It’s good because it will create a few jobs.

Keystone Pipeline


The keystone XL has bad things about it is that we are not even using the oil we make we are selling to other people when we really need it. It’s a toxic process to transport it.  The transportation will give off the same co2 emissions as 34 million more cars. It will also cost lots of money but will create new jobs.  People that hate this are environmentalists that are one sided. It can cause pollution all over the United States.  The worst thing is that there will be no real economic growth from this.

Overall, from what I have researched I would say the cons outweigh the pros.  The only good thing about it is a new technology to transport oil.  There is not real economic growth with the amount of jobs the keystone XL would bring.  I think the keystone is my opinion is a neat idea but not really needed at this point in time.









