Group Project: What we have so far

We brainstormed Ideas in the first two classes.  The second time we worked on who would do what.  The third class we got most of our handout completed and also got our material together.

Absorption of Radiant energy

Josh, Suyash, Sarah, Adam, Khang


To see which color paper absorbs the most radiant energy.  The NXT Robot records temperature every 10 seconds with 2 temperature probes.  This data can determine two separate temperatures at once.  With this test we can put the myth of black vs white in the sun.

Background (make sure you relate your experiment to a sustainability concept)

Solar Energy, a renewable form of energy, has solar panels that use radiant energy to generate electricity.


– Let lamp heat up for 3-5 mins

– Set up the temperature probes under each paper

– When lamp is heated start the NXT program provided which measures temperature.

– Record the result below.


                                    Probe 1     Probe 2

                                    White        Black

Minimum temperature ______ °C ______ °C

Maximum temperature ______ °C ______ °C


Calculate temp difference (∆t=tf–ti).

White ______ °C       Black______ °C


Which color had the largest temperature increase?


Solar collectors can be used to absorb the sun’s radiation and change it to heat. What color

would work best for solar collectors? Explain.


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