Daily Archives: October 30, 2013

Generator Blog

The generator lab was really interesting.  I saw how electricity can be generated by moving a iron core through a copper coil.  I am learning about magnetism and energy generation in my intro to engineering class as well as this class.  The data I got from this lab was accurate.  The more I moved the generator the more voltage was created.  The reason I got very high numbers was because I moved the generator faster each time and more times. If we had done the same rate of shakes then it would have been easier to understand how the voltage increases as the number of shakes increase.  The graph’s line shows a positive increase which is correct.  If I had done this lab again I would have gotten better results. The short time we had, due to technical difficulties, led us to rush the lab so we could at least get something important from it.  What I learned from this lab is how Faraday’s law implements in creating voltage using magnetic force. Moving a magnet through a copper coil creates voltage and can be used to generate a small amount of voltage.  An example used in real life is a wind mill. It creates voltage with the force of wind acting on blades which moves the inside of the windmill which has a similar method but moving a magnet around a coil then creating voltage.

This is our excel file for the lab

josh n jean