Lab Exercise 1: Team Exercise

Lab Exercise 1

Josh Dion


Our task was to get to learn the program and make the robot spin and also move forward.  Jean and I were able to complete this task.  We first used the motor command forward then attached a power to it.  Then we assigned a motor port.  Port A alone made one motor work so the robot turned in a circle.  Port C made the second motor move making it move forward.  We were also able to make the robot move backwards using the program.  We also were able to make the robot play a sound through its internal speaker.  We played with the power which made the motors spin faster or slower which was really fun. This task was very simple and gave us a quick look at what a program looks like and how to implement it. We did not have much time like other groups in our class. Due to limited time to build and then also make a basic program I learned basic functions of the nxt robot.

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