Daily Archives: September 16, 2013

Was Hurricane Sandy caused by global warming?

One of the worst hurricanes of the century happened last year.  It effected several states on the east coast including Massachusetts, my new home.  People became homeless for months because of the devastating effects of the storm.  One of the biggest arguments about this weather occurrence is if global warming had an effect on how this hurricane was created.

I’m not sure what the exact science of global warming is yet as such a young learner.   From what I know, global warming could be a reason for this horrible disaster.  According to an article I found online, global warming did have an effect on hurricane sandy (Leader).  Because of global warming and melting of ice caps and glaciers, sea level rising did have an effect on Hurricane Sandy (Leader). In effect of sea levels being one foot higher than they were one hundred years ago, the storm became worse because it produced more rain (Leader). Many scientists say that Hurricane Sandy was a major role of why this storm was so extreme (Eaton).

This picture shows jet streams and how they are deeper into the latitudes, melting sea ice. (Eaton)


hs pic

An article I found on Forbes counters everything. Scientists have found the amount of hurricanes are actually decreasing. (Taylor) This says that extremists are making false connections to global warming and weather effects.  They say that most scientists don’t know what caused hurricane sandy, including me.

Overall, from the research I found I conclude that the impact of global warming on hurricane sandy had little effect on the storm. Bad storms will happen randomly and will be effected by the earth heating, but extremists that take advantage of the people trying to tell everyone that this is the effect of global warming is a little extreme. We need to act together to solve global warming and be truthful.


Eaton, Sam. “Climate Change and Sandy.” PBS. PBS, 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.

Leader, Jessica. “Hurricane Sandy Damage Partly Caused By Climate Change, Scientists Say.”   The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 06 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.

Taylor, James. “Leave It To The Global Warming Alarmists To “Make Fake Lemonade” Out Of Hurricane Sandy.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.



