Chapter 1 Questions



1.      Fossil fuels = Fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, are a non-renewable source of energy. Formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago, fossil fuels are found in deposits beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to release the chemical energy that is stored within this resource. Energy is essential to modern society as we know it. Over 85% of our energy demands are met by the combustion of fossil fuels.


State two or more reasons why we should consider alternative energy sources?


                -Non-renewable sources of energy will eventually run dry

– Oil is a fossil fuel and our relationships with countries that produce the oil     
  predominantly in the Middle East are volatile and unstable.



2.      Energy = The ability to do work; Energy is used to light cities, power cars, cook food,

play music, and power machinery in factories.  Cars, light bulbs, machinery, etc. transform energy into work.


List two or more types of energy

1.)    Electrical energy

2.)    Kinetic energy



3.      Renewable energy =  is energy that is naturally replenished


List two or more types of renewable energy

1.)    Solar energy

2.)    Wind energy


4.      What are the units for energy?

     The units for energy in the Metric System are Joules or (Newton/meter).

      In the English System, the unit for mechanical energy is foot-poundforce.



5.      How is energy related to the growth of population and economy?

Since two stones were used to create fire, man has been using energy to survive and create technology to improve daily life.  Because of fire man had a more efficient way of staying warm, eating, and creating light.  Today that same energy is used to power factories, and computers, and the industries responsible for employing the population.  When people are able to have a successful life, earn money and spend that money, they tend to live longer and have children increasing the population and the economy.