Indian Point Nuclear Debate: To Leave Open or Close that is the Question





The Indian Point nuclear plant is located in Buchanan, New
York. The first reactor at the plant was built run in 1962 and since then the
plant has been the main source of electricity for NYC and the suburbs around
it. Recently however, there have been a lot of problems at the plant which has
caused it to come under fit; now there is a great debate on whether or not the
plant should remain open. Next I will outline for you the pros and cons of
shutting down Indian Point nuclear plant.


– Shutting down the plant would mean the state would be
forced to come up with new ways to provide energy to its inhabitants. This
would mean that energy policy would change and hopefully for the better; where
more earth friendly and sustainable sources would be put into practice.

-Nuclear plants can be very dangerous as illustrated by the
Fukishima disaster in Japan (see previous blog post)

-It is unrealistic to believe that if there was some type of
disaster where the area around the plant had to be evacuated that individuals
would be able to in a safe and timely manner without any problems occurring.
Therefore if the plant were to be shutdown this type of situation could be

-If the plant could feasibly be replaced with renewable energy
sources such as solar or wind power plants this would be greatly beneficial for
the environment.


-Because the plant supplies such a large amount of energy;
2,000 megawatts to 25% of NYC and the surrounding county an alternative plan
would take years to come up with.

-Implementing a replacement method would be very difficult
and expensive.

-There would be a lot more power failures experienced by New
Yorkers if the plant were to be shutdown.

-Dismantling reactors is a tough job and rather expensive.
This is because they are made up of huge parts and radioactive material as well.
It is estimated that the cost to decommission only one reactor would be a cost
of 4 million to 1 billion dollars.

-Radioactive contamination that may occur from the
dismantling of the reactors could pose a threat in safety to those in the area.

-The plant could be replaced with other controversial power
supply options like a natural gas plant which has its own list of environmental









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