Generator Experiment

In this experiment we used a flashlight looking device with coil wires inside to prove Faraday’s Law. Faraday came up with the equation: E=dB/dt. The E stands for Electro Motive force, the dt stands for time measured in second and the dB stands for the change in magnetic flux. We were measuring the amount of magnetic flux changed with the change of duration in time and the amount of voltage that was created. We by shaking the device, having the metal coils bouncing back and for creating the voltage that affected the magnetic field. This was measure with the device hooked to the computer which created the data. The predicted graph should look like this: elec_faraday2_240x180-1


This was our data that we gathered. We had shaken the flashlight at different speeds and a different amount of times. With this information we were able to create a graph that showed our data matched up with the predicted theory: that the greater voltage created is equal to the change in the magnetic flux. 


Our Graph:


The Flashlight we used.ShakeLight-1024x411

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