Fukushima Daiichi

Fukushima Daiichi was one of the greatest power plants in the world, created in 1971 and consisted of 6 boiling water reactors. Due to the 2011 tsunami and earthquake the plant was damaged and released an abundance of nuclear radioactivity waste that caused a giant evacuation in the nation. It has since been shut down and a new one is being built. All three cores of the nuclear plant melted within three days. Evacuation was quick and there have been no deaths or injuries resulting from the accident. The main units were hit the hardest. The safety devices were all shut down from the water influx of the tsunami, so the radioactive material was could not be contained. Weeks of focused work centred on restoring heat removal from the reactors and coping with overheated spent fuel ponds.


With it’s dwindling import of oil coming from Japan and its foreclosure of 52 nuclear plants, Japan is trying to reinnovate it’s sources of energy by going green. They need to reduce their dependence of foreign imports for energy and focus on their renewable energy resources. They agree there need to be new regulations and safety precautions that must be taken in order to prevent another disaster.Hopefully this will help boost the economy and give a new model for energy efficiency.



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