Solar Energy

Solar energy has been considered as one of the more innovative solutions for clean energy. Solar energy comes from the sun. The rays beam enough energy every hour to power technology on our earth for a year! We are learning and trying to find new ways to harness this solar energy to use it to power our world. Solar panels aka photovoltaic cells are used to harness the light of the rays and create voltage to give power to different objects such as heating, calculators, space-ships, cars, etc. One of the more important uses of solar energy is in creating electricity in which solar plants are able to harness the light and use water to drive a steam turbine that creates this energy. Solar energy does not produce any pollution is versatile: it can be used to power many different objects, unlike coal and oil. The main issue though is that it is hard to harness this energy source to be saved during the night-time when the sun is down. This is also a very expensive method and requires a lot of land. It is important for us to keep in mind clean energy subsidies such as the sun wind and water so we can reduce the emissions that pollute the earth.

Different uses of Solar Energy around the world:


In America solar energy has been a popular idea. In 1954 Bell Laboratories built the first solar panel; in the 1960s solar power was used by NASA in their outer space expeditions and space crafts. Nowadays solar power is still in demand. Although expensive to maintain and purchase, it has become the fourth largest solar market in the world. The hardships of zoning, permitting, and hooking up a solar system to a power grid are extremely expensive but efforts are being made to drive down the pricing. In the California Mojave Desert the greatest solar power energy project in the world is taking place. The project is expected to provide clean, renewable energy for 140,000 homes.


Europe has one of the top 15 solar energy markets in the world with Germany leading the way, mostly due to their innovative and productive Renewable Energy Act (discussed in a previous blog) which has aimed to transform their nation into a country run almost exclusively on clean energy. Italy is not far behind though, implementing greater sources of solar power energy to their nation. Lower cost of pricing on solar energy products and the fact that it is one of the Union’s sunniest countries explains its flourishing market. Unfortunately the rest of Europe is lagging behind, but efforts are being made to push the use of solar power.


India has one of the most prime locations for the use of solar energy, because its proximity to the equator. A majority of their plants are run on renewable resources. The high elevated sights such as the Himalayas are a perfect place for the solar panels, because they can grasp the rays at a closer range than at lower levels of the atmosphere. There are efforts to localize this solar energy to reach more people.

The State of Solar Power in Europe

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