Germany’s Green Energy Policy

It has been predicted that renewable energy has been growing faster and account for more than half of the Germany’s electricity within a decade. This is due to their innovative Green Energy Policy. With the rise of greenhouse gasses occurring throughout the world, Germany has taken steps to use renewable resources such as solar power and wind in their electricity grid to reduce the effects they have on the atmosphere. In 2000 the Renewable Energy Sources Act was passed and in 2010 Germany adopted its new Energy Concept document that would be carried out until 2050.The Germany are:

  • primary energy consumption is to fall by 20 percent from 2008 levels by 2020, and at least 50 percent by 2050;
  • renewable energy is to account for 18 percent of final energy consumption in 2020, and at least 80 percent of electricity consumption in 2050;
  • and greenhouse gas emissions are to see cuts of 40 percent by 2020 and at least 80 percent by 2050, both relative to 1990 levels.]

Positive affects of the plan are

  • The country has experienced a 3% decrease in carbon dioxide emissions
  • There has been an increase in jobs, due to the employment needed to maintain renewable energy power sources
  • the creation of greenhouse infrastructures in buildings and homes that use renewable resources to power daily electrical and gas usage.
  • The reduction of car usage with the implementation of greater public transportation and encouragement of bicycle usage

They began funding the project with tax increases on citizens.  A dilemma in this policy is that the sounthern part of the nation requires the most energy, but the power is concentrated from the north.

Unfortunately there are many downfalls to this plan. These policy changes require huge investments and national financial support. New gas-fire powered plants would need to be created as backups for when the renewable resources are unavailable (no wind, cloudy days, etc.).

Although the cost and innovation may be hard on a nation and it’s citizens, Germany has proved that the implementation of these policies does have an effect of our global warming, reducing emissions the harm they cause. They are a model for avoiding anymore damage done to the earth by greenhouse gasses that damage it.



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