Full fees must be paid by January 15th.
Late payments will incur a late fee.
You can pay online by card or by bank wire transfer.
INTO does NOT accept Flywire.
Your application ID is:
IN:E12345678 or IN:A12345678
Please click the payment link button below.
All financial questions during your time as an INTO Suffolk student can be sent to John Holbrooks, the INTO Suffolk Center Finance Assistant.
You can contact him directly at
You can also contact your agent if you choose to.
To complete enrollment you must submit all final, official academic credentials including transcripts, diplomas or graduation certificates, test results, etc. If the documents are not in English, we also require an official translation.
You may submit these documents in one of 3 ways:
- Bring them with you to orientation in an envelope sealed and stamped by the school
- Have your school send the documents to us through email
- Have your school send the documents to us through postal mail