Generator Experiment

A few weeks ago in class we grouped up as a class to conduct an experiment to test if Faraday’s Law was true.

Faraday’s Law states that when changing magnetic fluxes through coiled wires, it generates electricity. The greater the magnetic flux, the greater the currents and voltages are.

To test this law, we shook a tube containing a magnet, that will be traveling back and forth through a coil of wires during each shake that occurs. The point of the experiment was to prove that the faster you shook the tube, the greater the voltage and currents were that were generated. We used a generator, voltage probe, NXT adaptor, NXT machine, the Labview program, and we recorded the data on an excel worksheet. This experiment was conducted while everything was connected to the computer as Labview ran and helped collect the data. We started collecting data by shaking the tube for a 30 second period and counting how many shakes we had. The lab instructions were to perform this 5 different times at different rates. After collecting the data, we calculated the sum of the squares of the voltages (SSQV).

These were the results:



# of shakes      SSQV
0                       0.038293053
23                     71.9893744
44                     78.87098803
77                     201.4616799
88                     161.2575894


One thought on “Generator Experiment

  1. Cell Culture Services

    Cell Culture is the process to grow cells isolated from living tissue under carefully controlled conditions in vitro. Cells can be cultured on a substrate (adherent culture) or grown free-floating in the culture medium (suspension culture). The basic conditions needed for cell culture include suitable vessels, appropriate media, and adjustable physio-chemical environment. The culture conditions vary for each cell type. Cell Culture Services


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