Automobile Industry Increasing Gas Mileage

Within the next twelve years, the automobile industry is under pressure to raise the fuel economy on their cars or face a fine from the government. “U.S. automakers have until 2025 to raise the fuel economy on their cars and trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon—double the current standard—or face government fines,” says Jeff Green, a writer for Business Week online. This is not going to be an easy challenge for the automobile industry but it will be incredibly beneficial for everyone and it will be a good, new standard to have set for the industry.

Jeff Green believes that the source of this new standard is the Pentagon. The government researchers have been working with the military to compare how their vehicles function and how they can bring this to all U.S. carmakers and make it cheaper. “The military operates in very extreme environments… If we can make these vehicles function under those conditions, we should be able to implement them in commercial applications that are cheaper and very reliable,” says Al Schumacher, assistant associate director of ground vehicle power and mobility at the military’s Tank Automotive Research and Development and Engineering Center. (Green).

These changes in the automobile industry started in 2007 during the Bush administration and Obama continued to raise these standards in 2009. (Newman). While the Republican party is opposed to these changes, everyone else is thrilled about these new standards and all the benefits that will follow. “Without a doubt, the new rules have been a win-win for everybody…It’s a win for consumers, a win for manufacturers, and a win for the environment,” says Jesse Toprak, a car researcher from Among a long list of changes, automakers have been coming out with new technology that boost mileage, such as advanced powertrains and transmissions. (Newman).

People have been responding well to the already-started changes that the automobile industry has been making to increase gas mileage, such as smart cars. Six of the 10 best-selling vehicles in America are small cars, and one of the most popular pickup models on the market is a Ford F-Series with a high-mileage, six-cylinder engine. (Vlasic).

The White House has made these regulations and standards high and will not budge on them and luckily the automobile industry and carmakers are cooperating. This is going to be nothing but positive for the economy, financially and environmentally.



Green, Jeff. “Better Gas Mileage, Thanks to the Pentagon.” Business Week. 17 May 2012: n. page. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.


Newman, Rick. “Tough Government Gas Mileage Rules Good for Drivers, Auto Industry.” US News. 27 Aug 2012: n. page. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.


Vlasic, Bill. “Carmakers Back Strict New Rules for Gas Mileage.” New York Times. 28 Jul 2011: n. page. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

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