Hydrofracking is a way to obtain natural gas from under layers of shale rock..This process makes mining for natural gas in dense shale more economically possible, where before it was not. “Slick water”, hydrofracking uses more water than conventional drilling, as well as a slick water, mixture that is pumped into the shale to fracture the rock and release the gas. Second, there is an increased potential for toxicity and its long-term impacts. Finally, there is the environmental impacts of the drilling: surface and subterranean damage including forestland loss, multiple well sites, groundwater and surface water contamination, habitat and species disturbance, and likely an increased number of access roads to the well sites.
Natural gas is a fossil fuel, but is said to be a cleaner burning fossil fuel. It is more eco-friendly to burn natural gas, which is primarily methane, than it is to burn coal or oil. Natural gas can serve as an alternative to coal and oil in fueling our lives. Since it is a cleaner burning fuel, people think we should make a switch to it as soon as possible. In addition to it being a cleaner burning fuel, we can obtain natural gas domestically, rather than internationally, which would reduce dependence on foreign oil. Also, obtaining fuel locally will likely boost our economy.
The main concern with this is the fact that the drills can hit water sources and contaminate our water. 60-80% of the toxic water and fluids both used for and resulting from hydrofracking remains underground. Also gas companies claim the natural gas that is found from hydrofracking is a clean source of energy. This is only partially correct because while natural gas does burn more cleanly, the extraction process of hydrofracking releases a lot of methane (CH4) into the atmosphere and Methane is known to be amongst the leaders in greenhouse gasses. Between hitting water sources and releasing greenhouse gasses, the process of hydraulic fracturing can be and often is harmful to both our environment and health.