BP Spill

The BP spill or the Deepwater Horizon spill is the worst oil spill in history. It happened as a result of the explosion of the drilling rig called “The Deepwater Horizon”. It took place in the Gulf of Mexico, but the huge amount of oil was spread into many USA states.

            The Deepwater Horizon was a nine years old drilling unit owned by the BP Company in London. Before its explosion some workers were complaining for leaks. On April 20th, while drilling at a depth of 5000 feet, the Deepwater Horizon exploded as a result of the high pressure of methane gas. Most workers were evacuated, but eleven workers were not found and it is thought that they died during the explosion.

After two days of fire the Deepwater Horizon sank.

            The worst part wasn’t the explosion. The oil leak was discovered on April 22 and it spread throughout the ocean. As time passed the amount of oil spilled increased and spread. The magnitude of the spill was big. The BP has tried to hide the real amounts of the leaks. They didn’t accept scientists and the media to estimate and report the real situation. The real number of leaks, reported by scientists, has arrived at 62,000 barrels per day. The USA government was very concerned about the spill and has blamed the BP Company as responsible for the event. The BP responded by accepting to pay for all the damages and taking care of every problem. The USA also accused the BP for holding information and made the federal government verify the events of the spill by sending scientist and environmentalists.

            From the winds and bad weather the oil has reached the Loop Current and spread to many places: around the Gulf of Mexico, towards Florida and along the US east coast. Louisiana coast, Mississippi, Alabama, and many important beaches are affected by the oil.

            As a result of the spill, the sea life is in danger. Many animals and national parks are threatened. More than 400 species in the Gulf of Mexico are exposed to the oil.  The Kemp’s Ridley turtle, the Green Turtle, the Loggerhead Turtle, the Hawksbill Turtle, the Leatherback Turtle, gulls, pelicans, roseate spoonbills, egrets, terns, and blue herons are at risk. 4,678 dead animals had been collected, including 4,080 birds, 525 sea turtles, 72 dolphins and other mammals, and 1 reptile. The increase of methane in water could kill the marine animals and reduce oxygen levels in water. The oil also has brought economic consequences on the coast shores and hotels used for tourism.

                After many attempts to stop the spill, in July 15th the pipes that leaked the oil were shut. BP said that the leak had been stopped and sealed with cement. However there is still a lot of petroleum flouting on the ocean and being a danger to the sea life.  
















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