The mad dash to the end of the semester begins!!

Greetings everyone,

So, I don’t have much to tell you besides that I am so busy in all of my classes I could just scream! We are working on our 6,000 sq ft house in residential design, detailing a built-in in furniture design, working on our final project in materials and finishes, learning new codes in codes and construction, and beginning the last 3 chapters of the year for art history! AHHH!!! Well, I did get some grades back on projects in almost every class that I am very pleased with so that helped a lot. I love the way my Moroccan home is coming out in residential, too. Plus I like the idea that I came up with about designing a Tuscany-inspired Wine Cellar for my built-in furniture design room. I guess I really like the work that I am doing, I just don’t like how much time it takes and how tedious everything is.

My 21st birthday was Monday and I had a blast! I went to Fajitas and Ritas (of course) with my boyfriend, best friend, friends, and some family. It was low-key and relaxing… just what I needed. Other than ALLLL of that, the past week has been pretty uneventful.

I hear the weather is supposed to pick up and become nicer!! I’m really hoping so! If it does, go outside and soak up some vitamin D =)

‘Till Next Time,


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