Daily Archives: October 26, 2010

Hey All!

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted a blog for you. I have been busy beyond belief, as usual. So what is happening in my life right now…. everything! School at NESAD is going really well but as you may have expected it is also very hectic. It is the middle of the semester and you know what that means. Duh Duh Dunnnnn… MIDTERMS AHHH!! My contract design I final presentation is next week and we are all scrambling to get everything together and displayed nicely on our final boards. I’m not too stressed about it, yet, but the final week usually gets pretty intense. As for my English and Lighting exams… they are looming around the corner. Lighting is tonight and I am somewhat worried because there is just so much information to digest (even though I’ll need to know it for the rest of my career). English is going to be a little less stressful because my professor lets us know what the questions are in advance (6 essays) so we can prepare for them. It’s still a lot of work cause I’ll essentially write 6 essays and memorize them but at least I know what to expect. In art history, we don’t have a midterm because there is so much information. Instead we have 3 exams and 4 papers throughout the semester. Exam #1 and paper #1 went well for me, but that is only the beginning. We are still learning Revit in construction documents and still loving it! We now have learned how to set up title blocks, elevations, sections, perspectives, and RCP’s. It is amazing how much easier life is now that we will be able to use Revit.

So, this weekend I went to the Head of the Charles in Cambridge and it was awesome! It is the worlds largest 2-day regatta. it has always been a place for college crews to showcase their rowing abilities and this year was no different. There were also many high school crews competing as well. The river was lined with vendors and even though it was raining Sunday, not a single fan was bothered and kept cheering on their favorites from the banks of the river to the bridges crossing it. You could feel the high-energy and competitive spirit all around you. If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it! It was also a great place to take my Nikon and snap some awesome pictures. All in all, I give it an A+.

Well, I’m off to study my little behind off!

‘Till Next Time,
