Daily Archives: October 14, 2010

Lighting, Lighting, Lighting…

Hey All!

This week it seems that ALL of my classes have switched from space planning to lighting and RCP’s. I have never talked about ceiling types and lighting systems so much in my life! With midterms approaching I thought that I could pass on a small bit of useful information that I have learned in this past week.

How you light your space is an important part of design. A change in the lighting can change how the room is viewed. Lighting interior design contributes greatly to the look and feel of a room. There are many types of lighting which can be used in various ways. We are no longer restricted to a few lamps scattered here and there. There is a whole world for Lighting Designers (my Lighting Professor is one of them). In the psychology of light, the three main factors are perception of the space, luminous contrast, and subjective impression of a space.  Balancing general/ambient lighting, task/focal lighting, and sparkle/glitter lighting gives you the perfect space and a successful lighting design. So remember, don’t just throw a light fixture  in the middle of a ceiling! Work with the space and make it feel how you want it to fell. Don’t hold back with lighting, it can make or break your space!

NESAD seems to be back in full swing lately. The fall weather is finally here (my favorite season =) ), every class is fully engrossed in what they are doing, and everyone seems to be stressed beyond belief. Don’t get me wrong, we all love where we go to school and what we do… but art/design school is no joke. We all sigh and roll our eyes when our friends from up on the hill complain about their hour-long classes two times a week (when ours are two hour and forty minutes twice a week). We are busting at the seems with work but when we pin up and get the credit we deserve for our creative minds, its all worth it. It is an amazing feeling to show people what you have put some blood, sweat, and tears into and you are proud of it. For example, in Contract Design I we had a schematic pin up on Tuesday. This is when we pin up everything we have done so far for our MASS CEC design. It doesn’t have to be complete or even on boards, just whatever you have. Yes, we got some critiques, which always help, but it feels great to hear everyone’s interpretation of what was done. I know I’m getting a little mushy but what I’m trying to say is that as busy as I am, I wouldn’t change what I am studying or where I go to school for anything!

‘Till Next Time
