Daily Archives: May 4, 2010

These Designs “roped” me in… =)

Hey All!

So this is my second to last post… tear*sigh*.

Today I was procrastinating and looking at differnet fun and cool design ideas when I should’ve been studying for my art history exam tomorrow. I came across this site that had tons of pictures of rope incorporated in design. I think it is such a neat idea! When I was little, my dad always had a great hammock at our house. I have such good memories of it. What I’ve always wanted was a hammock on my front porch, but I would settle for a porch swing. Below i’ve added pictures and one of my favorites is the porch swing with the rope tied rails at each corner. There are also door handles, railings, and even a side table alllllll made of rope! A different thought is hanging beds with big, thick pieces of rope. Take a look!!

Till Next time’
