Finals Week is Looming!

Hey all!

So with finals week looming over our heads, I have decided to dedicate this blog to how NOT to go insane this week! I am so overwhelmed/busy/ready to pull my hair out so I am going to use my own advice. RELAX! surviving finals week is one the most challenging aspects of college life. After an already long semester of projects, tests, and designing, this is a time of high stress for students everywhere… especially at NESAD.

Step one: GET ENOUGH SLEEP!! This is something that I feel like I don’t have time for, but it is a must. No one can ace a residential final presentation on 2 hours of sleep. In simple words: Not enough sleep = exam suicide. While not all students need, nor ever get, the recommended eight hours of sleep per night, it is crucial to make time for sleep during finals week. If you’re only getting a few hours of sleep a night, it is critical that you find a comfortable couch, bunk bed, or futon, and get at least 20 min of good daytime sleep.

Step 3: RELAX! Like everything in life, balance is the key to surviving finals week. With all the studying, sleeping, and eating that needs to be done, don’t forget to make time to not use your brain. Video games, movies, and ultimate frisbee need to become an integral part of your finals schedule.

‘Till Next Time,

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