It feels like Summer!

Hey All!

So, I dont have much to talk to you all about today. I have been working on pretty much the same projects since I last blogged. I’m encouraged by my progress thus far, but there is still a long way to go. I am building my 2 sections and 6 elevations in AutoCAD for my Moroccan home in Residential Design this week. My wine cellar is coming along well in Furniture Design. I am deciding which molding to use when I detail it… choices choices. I am almost done collecting my materials for my Final Project and Binder for Materials and Finishes. In codes and construction nothing new is happening…OHHH… but my class did play a very successful April Fools Day prank on my professor. Sounds a little childish, I know, but in a desperate attempt at comic relief from learning about the ADA bathroom codes my class and I reverted back to 3rd grade. We put one of the student’s cell phones in the suspended ceiling and set the alarm for every 5 minutes. It continued to go off for about half an hour before our professor stood on a table and found it. I took a picture on my iPhone but I can’t figure out how to get it on here. If I do, I’ll attach it to my post. It may not sound very funny, but we all enjoyed it. Anyways, neither here nor there… In Ideas of Western Art we are starting to learn about art closer to the 21st century. We are on 19th century and it’s really cool to start seeing buildings and paintings that are more popular with our generation. It makes the class more interesting than it already is.

On a lighter note, it is supposed to reach 80 degrees tomorrow!!!!! =X. I don’t know if I am ready for that yet. I LOVE this weather, but even in the summer 80 degrees is hot. I also have nothing but jeans to wear tomorrow… uh-oh. Well, that’s about all I’ve got for ya. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my progress in class and if I sweat to death tomorrow… grose thought.

“Till Next Time,


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