Daily Archives: February 16, 2010

Hello World!

Just Incase you needed to match a face to a name ;)

Just In case you needed to match a face to a name 😉

Greetings readers and fellow bloggers,

Before I begin my endless rambling about my life, why don’t I give you some background info on myself? My name is Kristin and I am currently a first semester Junior at the New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University (NESAD), studying Interior Design. I have not spent my entire college career at Suffolk, however. I attended The University of Kentucky as a pre-vet/equine science major. I’ve spent my whole life riding, caring, and owning horses and I even worked at a vet’s office for my last two years of high school. Now I bet some of you are wondering “how did you go from pre-vet to interior design?” Well, I decided that my life would be extremely boring for the next seven years if I stuck with my original plan. So… I took a semester off of school to “find myself” and I found that my love of art and design could be put to good use! Now I love school and my chosen career path at Suffolk University and couldn’t be happier. I guess I am a perfect example of “it’s never too late to change your mind.” Being in art school never seemed like an option to me, but it has turned out to be the best life decision I have made thus far. As for the future I hope to one day own a design firm. I have yet to decide if I want to focus on residential or commercial design, but I will figure that all out eventually.

The Interior Design program at Suffolk’s art school is everything I hoped it would be. I’m a person who learns by experience, so the hands-on teaching methods are perfect for me. Now, don’t be fooled. Being an art student is not just about painting pretty pictures. Each studio class runs 3 hours two times a week and you do everything from drawing nude models to designing entire buildings on the computer. This is the busiest my life has ever been. None the less, I feel like I have learned so much.

Life outside of class is also great. I lived in the student apartments all of last year and they were awesome. You can’t beat Suffolk’s location in the heart of the city. Right outside my door was Fajitas and ‘Ritas (I recommend everyone goes there at least once in their life if they love Mexican food… AMAZINGGG). You are exposed to so many cultures, experiences, and opportunities in Boston that you can’t get living at home. I know this because I currently commute from an hour away. But lately, I have been staying in Cambridge which is also a neat place. I haven’t explored much, but when the work load dies down I really want to dive into the city.

Well, enough rambling for now (told you I ramble…). I plan on popping in once or twice a week to catch you all up on my life at NESAD. So, until then have a great week!


Aka “idGirl”