Keystone XL Pipeline- Pros and Cons

The Keystone XL Pipeline is big topic in our country. This issue stems from a political matter and not from the people who value the pipeline or those who don’t value it. What we need is to ask  what is the Keystone XL Pipeline? How much does it value to  the American economy and why are there a lot of politicians who are for the pipeline?  Keystone Pipeline is a “project that is used to extend the existing pipeline which carries heavy oil crude from the sands of Canada to US refineries” according to Heavy.com ,2014. In this case  this is either a party line issue in terms of who wants to look good to the people and who doesn’t. The bill for the Keystone Pipeline was approved by the Republicans in November of  2014 and now sits on the Senate floor. The Senate has already voted on it and it was sent to the President for his signature which it still awaits. But sources say that the President will not sign the bill but will veto it.

The Positive aspect of the Keystone Pipeline  supporters say is that it will create jobs, according to the U.S. State Department in March was quoted that “that the pipeline would create 42,000 jobs through both direct and indirect employment”(Heavy, 2104). It  will also  increase the energy security  for the gulf coast and will be safe to transport  goods across state lines.The downside of this pipeline is it will damage our GDP  and damage the environment.  So then this comes back to the question of whether  this is a good energy source for our country as well as for the people. It is not that  this is whole things stems from what the Politicians think is best for our nation and not what is good for the people. If Americans are saying this is a bad idea and will not create jobs why are lawmakers not listening?  The  environment is important just as much as creating jobs. The environment is what keeps us breathing and lets us walk freely.

Yes,people need jobs but when something goes wrong with one of the pipelines busting it would cause a huge damage to our country. We don’t need to damage the air we breathe. This is a bad idea and is the reason why the President hasn’t signed the bill. We don’t want to see another BP disaster. This should be about what the people think and not what the Politicians think is best for the country because the politicians already know the pipeline is not good for our country. Middle class families will suffer if the Keystone Pipeline is passed. Brendan Smith from Labor 4 Sustainability says, “Sixteen states were afflicted by five or more extreme weather events in 2011-12. Households in disaster-declared counties in these states earn $48,137, or seven percent below the U.S. median income” (Smith,2014). If it one the of pipelines where to bust it will take away jobs as well as hurt our economy.Let’s take a stand in making our country green because  it will be best for the people. Therefore we should not pass the bill.











  1. Great blog! I agree that it is a big topic in our county as the moment and that this is purely a political issue. The politicians mainly Republicans that are in favor of it are only looking at the economic befits of it and neglecting the environmental cons of it. Yes, more jobs are great but what good are they if there is no earth to live on and work in.

  2. I like how you emphasized the political aspect of the debate. Very good blog

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