


Brianna Vieira identifies as a Portuguese-American individual who is passionate about aspects of both countries and cultures that form this identity. 


The Portuguese Flag (artefact)

“The green and red flag remind me of the sacrifice and hard work my family went through to have the life they live today. Massachusetts is my home, and Portugal is its sister. While looking at the flag, I feel confident in who I am. I feel a sense of belonging, but yet never truly fit in with the crowd at times.” 

-Brianna Vieira 


Denotation: two flags, red, white, blue, green, orange, stars, blended colors in the middle, and a blue circle web design

Connotation: two cultures blending in together (representation of the two flags blending together and forming one), flags appear like they are in motion which can signify pride because they are waving, both have vivid bright colors and share equal importance

The narrative has changed when looking at this symbol because two flags together can show a unity and represent countries that are allies. Governor Jindal believes there should be no such thing as a hyphenated-American and that everyone is only American. Seeing two flags waving together automatically makes us feel proud, especially if the flags are representations of our own cultural identities. Sometimes you can find bumper stickers of blended flags on people’s cars because they are proud to represent their cultures. Even if multiple flags are waving in the air together, a common feeling of pride comes up because the American culture is supposed to embrace world cultures as a melting pot country.

For the background of my website I would choose the symbol because the symbol represents my topic. People would see the flags and most likely understand the website would discuss those cultural identities or discuss bi-cultural identities.


Public Policy Document Analysis:

One of the documents that Brianna analyzed is a court case transcription filed in 2019 that focuses on a specific case of an individual who was unlawfully detained as a result of unclear naturalization laws. This document would be useful in demonstrating some of the struggles that immigrants face. This document in particular would show Kyle Sullivan the personal hardships of one individual, possibly directing his thoughts towards more empathy and understanding.

Journal Article Analysis:

One of the three articles Brianna analyzed was titled, “So Now, I Wonder, What Am I?”: A Narrative Approach to Bicultural Identity Integration

Brianna’s description of the article: “This study focuses on bi-cultural integration and how to find a balance within both cultures. One of the interviews suggests that it can be common for a bi-cultural person to feel as if they do not belong anywhere. The study examines how personal experience and contact with each culture can impact your connectedness to the culture. In conclusion, if someone has positive memories with being bicultural it will be easier to embrace both identities. However, if there is a favored nationality, this could impact the self-negotiation process.”

Interview Analysis:


“The best part about hyphenated cultural identity is that both cultures become one. I am not just American or Cape Verdean; I am both.”

-Peter Silva, Suffolk Student interviewed by Brianna Vieira