Before viewing “Pandora’s Promise” I was 100% against using nuclear power. From a historically point of view nuclear disasters such as Three Mile Island (1979), Fukushima (2011), and Chernobyl (1986) scare people due to radiation. Radiation from nuclear power plants can destroy ecosystems, kill people, and make a lot of people unsure about approving nuclear energy. Nuclear power is a controversial topic in society. “Pandora’s Promise” is a documentary by Robert Stone that interviews many environmental activists who went from “anti-nuclear” to “pro-nuclear”. This documentary provides both sides of the story, explaining myths and “anti-power” protests.
One part of the film scared me due to the explanation of dangers of nuclear power. Negatives about nuclear energy include explosions, nuclear weapons, and radiation diseases such as cancer. They also explained the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl’s nuclear reactor exploded, killed many and put lots of radiation into the environment. This part of the documentary scared me because my hometown of Marshfield, Massachusetts is very close to the Plymouth Power Plants. If the Plymouth Power Plant exploded my hometown would get radiation from it.
After viewing the pros of nuclear power it made me feel 50% positive about nuclear power. I learned nuclear power is a better source to create energy than coal. Coal gives off a lot of bad greenhouse gases and puts harm into our environment. About 13 million people die a year from air pollution. Nuclear energy would limit the emission of greenhouse gases. I would recommend this film to people interested in learned about nuclear energy but would need to have science background because their was a lot of terms and it would be hard to follow without a background.