In this lab we had to get a few materials before starting the lab. To be able to do the solar lab Prof. Shatz provided us with a ruler, colored film filter, light source, NXT with light sensor, and one solar cell. The purpose of this lab is to understand and observe the relationship between light intensity and the voltage. We do this by first measuring the intensity when there is no light. Then we used a light source and measured the intensity from 2cm, 10cm, 18cm, and 26cm with no colored films. After this we measured the intensity using colored films; yellow, purple, and green. When we measured the intensity it was put into an excel page where we could compare intensities. The 2cm had the most intensity being 0.37021, and for colored films yellow had the most intensity being 0.316324. The lighter the color the more intensity the film has. Purple being the darkest had an intensity of 0.054592.
Solar panels can be used to create energy for homes and businesses. It costs money to install them but after that they create the energy.
Advantages of having solar panels in your home are
~solar panels do not cause pollution
~solar energy is infinite
~ panels can be used in remote areas that have a natural light source
~ unreliable climate can cause the panels not to work
~ only can harness energy during the day when it is sunny
~ expensive
Therefore I feel it is important to explore options to help the environment. I feel that a family should not rely on solar energy to heat their home or run their homes because it depends on if it sunny that day. But I do think that families should have a small amount of solar energy to help energy and heating bills.
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