Tom Vales Talk

Last week instead of class a Suffolk University electrical engineer teacher, Tom Vales spoke to our class. He was a very intelligent man that knew a vast amount of information about wireless, Tesla vs Edison debate, and AC/DC currents.
During his take he explained how wireless is crucial in our everyday life and how wireless and wifi are different. Wifi connects phones, laptops, wide areas, and bluetooths. Televisions and remotes are not connected to wifi. Vales also explained the impact of Nikola Tesla’s inventions. Tesla was an 1800 inventor who set a foundation for innovation. Tesla and Edison were two inventors of the same time who despised each other. At the same time Tesla created the alternating current (AC) and Edison created the direct current (DC).

Debates were brought up about which one was better than the other. Edison’s DC current would require power plants to be built to supply customers while alternating currents do not need power plants. Everyone knew Tesla’s AC current was better considering it is very important to society today. Tesla’s dream was that he wanted no wires, wireless transmission a goal.
Also during our talk Vales demonstrated a Tesla coil with prongs and and a neon rod.
In conclusion to the Tom Vales talk he put into perspective that without Tesla’s innovations the technology today would not be as innovative.



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