Robotics activity

Last week, our group learned how to build a Lego robot. It was a fun activity and allowed us to get to know each other and work as a team. We learned how to do basic programming with the robot.

First we learned how to make the robot move forward and backwards, we even got it to play a song while it rolled around the desk. We also learned how to change the speed of the robot and make it go in a circle

It became more challenging when we had to make the robot spin in a circle with a diameter of two feet. Once we dropped our first robot, we had to borrow another one. After a few speed adjustments, we got the robot very close to the two feet. Each time we adjusted the speed we needed to plug the robot into the computer to get the software to update.

Once we finished that challenge, we set up the robot so that it could measure how many times its wheels turned and how far it traveled in cm. We measured how far the robot traveled with a ruler and compared our results with the results the robot calculated. Our Robot traveled .25075 cm and its wheels turned 1.475 times, out calculations where very close to the results the robot measured.

The activity was fun and engaging.


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