Tom Vales

Tom Vales visited our class last week and showed us some cool ways to generate energy. He explained that he builds small engines powered by sustainable resources like hot water or light. He demonstrated his Mendocino motors work, they use cooper wires and temperature to conduct energy. He had Mendocino motors with fans attached, when he put it in hot water, the fan would start working.

He also explained that he participates in a Tesla Club that builds Tesla motors and try them out. He brought a demonstration of one of those motors as well. The Tesla motor gets plugged in and then you can see blue sparks shoot out of the top. When Mr. Vales put light bulbs near the motor, they would light up with out being plugged in.

I liked Mr. Vales presentation because it showed me a different way of thinking about sustainable energy instead of just thinking in terms of solar panels and wind turbines.

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