Ways the automobile industry is trying to increase gas mileage

President Obama recently announced stricter standards for automobile companies to increase mileage requirements in cars. President Obama believes that by having the stricter standards, it will cut oil consumption and consumer costs.

Automobile companies have already been making fuel-efficient cars that are smaller and use different energy sources. The top ten best selling vehicles in America are small or midsized fuel-efficient vehicles.

The goal is to have vehicles that get 54.5 miles to the gallon by 2025. Most car companies are more willing to comply with those standards then they would have been just a few years ago because of the Bailouts some car companies received not long ago.

The United States is not the only country that want’s to cut back of fuel usage. China has set standards stricter then President Obama’s standards for the United States. China is hoping to increase fuel economy by 18% before 2015.

Something I found interesting was that China charges more sales tax on vehicles like sports cars and sports utility vehicles, but China only charges1% sales tax on smaller engine vehicles. I think that is another example of what makes fuel-efficient vehicles more practical.





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2 Responses to Ways the automobile industry is trying to increase gas mileage

  1. karen nguyen says:

    Do you believe China will win the race in fuel economy? If so, why? I believe that China does not use automobiles as much but they are far more competitive therefore allowing them to excel and try the hardest, after all Toyota and Honda, two of the top brands are Asian products. Whereas Ford and GM are the most fuel expansive brands.

  2. sarah1991 says:

    Made much more sense than some of the articles I’ve read.

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