Faraday’s Law Demonstration

What was the experiment?

Faraday’s Law states that the changing of magnetic fluxes through coiled wires generates electricity. This experiment was to depict how increasing the magnetic flux, creates a greater current and voltage. The faster we shook the flashlight generator, the more voltage produced. This hands on activity let the individual student absorb the information from the lecture in regards to Faraday’s accomplishment and the Law that revolutionized the would as we know it, thus solidifying the concept that the number of shakes has a positive correlation with voltage considering as the number of shakes increase the voltage increases as well (Direction Sheet).

What was the purpose of the experiment?

To positivly correlate the number of shakes of the generator in thirty second intervals to produce voltage that increases while the shakes simultaneously increase. This might seem repetitive; however, this is essential in order to comprehend Faraday’s law: my peers and I basically tried to trial Faraday’s law in order to reach a common consensus that it is in fact correct.


Considering this is a well established law it was obvious that it was infallible; however, the hypothesis I had was that if the shakes increase in a thirty second interval so would the voltage.

What was the procedure?

First the equipment used in this experiment included a generator which was a flashlight that had a magnet that moved back and forth inside a coil of wire, a voltage probe, a NXT adaptor, NXT, Labview VI which was software that tracked the voltage that we would use on excel.

To begin we had five trials of 30 second intervals of shaking. These shaking intervals also consisted of the experimenter counting in his or head the amount of times he or she was shaking, thus creating two column data, and/or two variables to compare. These two variables being Shakes and Voltage. After getting the data we would open excel for each individual trial whilst knowing the number of shakes with our mental calculations. It is important to mention that a human error might of been made due to the brain’s limited capacity of keeping count whilst shaking an object. First in Excel we would calculate the sum of the voltages we previously squared. The results are written below.



Number of Shakes Voltage^2
76 32.09398
84 98.0998
80 76.29793
82 86.70562
115 130.4095

Voltage vs. Number of Shakes

Screen Shot 2016-02-18 at 5.42.47 PM

Overall the data shows that as you increase the number of shakes performed per time period of thirty seconds, the voltage will increase as well, thus creating a direct relationship between Voltage^2 and Number of Shakes.

Conclusion? What does this really mean?

The conclusion made through this experiment is that an increased number of shakes correlates to an increased voltage is not enough. The importance that resides in this topic is how Faraday’s Law applies to our everyday lives. Faraday’s Law states that changing magnetic fluxes through coiled wires generates electricity, and that the greater the change in magnetic flux, the greater the current and voltage is. According to this Prezi this has contributed to current day usage of light bulbs, meters, and transformers. The vast majority of this might not seem that interesting; however, without the desktop I’m typing with at the moment could not function, the phone in your pocket would not be charged, and this has evolved and advanced humanity immensely in the field of technology, electricity, health care, and the list goes on.

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