Will Our Future Even Be On Earth?

What is Space X?

   The complexity that resides in this company alone, expresses how fundamentally important the consequences of the general public’s actions truly are. Space X’s website claims that, “SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets”. This is powerful in the concept itself, and what further emphasizes its dire importance is due to what it means for humanity as an entity.

    Before we begin we must analyze why this is essentially fundamental for humanity to exist. Humanity as a whole has ruined the planet, and humanity also does not want to go extinct. Factual knowledge supports the idea that climate change is occurring, sea levels are rising, natural disasters are increasing, humanity mindlessly observes organism’s extinctions, and the general public is oblivious, unfortunately, to the entity that soon it will be us. This seems harsh, does it not? But it’s the truth. The importance of mentioning this reality, is because if eventually humanity continues on catering to their old habits the planet that we all will soon immigrate to will become uninhabitable as well.

    In respect to the internal aspiration Space X has during the process of building a respected aircraft or spacecraft. After doing some research it is apparent that there is a process that is repeated religiously, and it has been working out for them. This simplistic process is is to build, test, and improve.Watch this video to see one of the stages of the process of Build–> Test –> Improve. This seems intuitive; however, it is not used enough. This is where Space X’s success comes from. What the general public can take away from this is the mere entity that no matter what complexity in which the task at hand is, failure occurs and what one takes from that failure to improve is essential to individual success.

Concepts of Energy and Force

     Admit it.You are self obsessed: incapable of fully seeing other’s perspectives. Yes you may display empathy, but at the end of the day the only perspective you see is your own. When people make assumptions about space, they tend to be ignorant due to the impact media has had on their individual perception of what space is supposed to be like. According to Background on Tonight’s Space Launch people tend to think that there is this set altitude where the gravity becomes zero; however, that’s not the case. Gravity is infinite. It has a lot to do with the concept that resides in the mere fact that “The force of gravity drops proportionate to the square of the distance between the centers of two objects” (Tonight’s Launch). So basically with this information we can clearly see why astronauts are floating in space, and seem as if they are in zero gravity even though they are not. According to the same article mentioned previously, it’s simply that inward acceleration of gravity and outward acceleration of gravity balance the individual out, considering one is pushing them out to the depths of the universe, and the other one is pushing them back to earth.

Scientifically speaking there are several mechanics when utilizing an aircraft that an individual must bare in mind. Kinetic energy is being transferred throughout this process and the maneuvers one makes are essential in the success of the aircraft. Not only does one have to bare in mind this reality, but also “a slow maneuver and a fast acceleration”. Firstly, a slow maneuver would give the astronauts enough time to diminish the lateral velocity to zero, and the second is due to the fact that a fast acceleration is essential in reducing the propellant used (Tonight’s Launch). Long story short, it’s difficult to pay an exurbanite amount of attention to each aspect of the aircraft, but it must be done to insure the safety, and a smooth and successful takeoff and landing.





SpaceX Website


Dragon 2 Propulsive Hover Test

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