In lieu of the Investigate Exhibit… I went to the “Green Wing” to look at animals fallen victims to taxidermy.


(The above photo will make sense if you read this post)

The Investigate Exhibit illuminates the possibilities of practicing science in daily life and in fact, without access to an exclusive lab! I certainly condone everyday science so this was probably great.


However, I chose to venture over to the “green wing” of the Museum of Science and into the taxidermy(ed) animals… yes very sustainable? Oh how lovely the green wing! I thought as a vegetarian I might see some neat vegetation.


No the green wing I witnessed was slathered in stuffed animals. I actually can’t imagine the taxidermy progress being all that green.


So, this blog will be devoted to my taking of a most morbid shortcut:

What sparked my interest was a terrifying death I witnessed on Monday April 2nd. While driving on the highway a large, (dare I say unusually large) gray feathered mass attempted flight about 200 ft in front of the vehicle I was in. This peculiar mass tried to fly and failed. Rather it appeared to take a courageous leap of faith to the other side of the highway. It dived into a utilities truck. Feathers coasted about all four lanes. I was disturbed and thanked the cosmos that I am a vegetarian. Honestly, this terrible flight has been replaying for over a week.


Thus I gravitated to first the stuffed animals- The mighty Moose I once saw with my mother in New Hampshire and slippery Otters. Eventually to the lower level where I was able to identify the gray mass as a : Turkey.

A huge turkey. For all of you meat eaters out there: this is food for thought.

Yes, I wandered about the delicate Chickadees, Oriels, common Chicken and of course the American Eagle (absolutely not the brand of clothes). I gave myself quite a tour,distracted only by the empty theater in the adjoining wing that had a massive screen with bizarrely high set volume. I suppose this might be the Museum of Science’s idea of background music?


One thought on “In lieu of the Investigate Exhibit… I went to the “Green Wing” to look at animals fallen victims to taxidermy.

  1. Hilarious post! Great alternative way to do this blog since we really weren’t sure what exactly we were supposed to be seeing. Did you play around a bit with the bird calls on the computers near the taxidermied birds? I had fun guessing some of the different birds even though I wasn’t very good at it…

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