Robotic Activity


First step:

Using the Lego Mindstorm kit, we built a robot that is capable of using energy from a given battery that can be programmed to perform specific movements. The NXT brick is connected with a USB cord to the computer. The Lego robot that we built had three wheels for motion.




Second Step:

We were able to identify our built robot on the computer, with the given NXT robotics software. With the grid we were able to design certain movements that we wanted our robot to do. We were also able to establish certain speeds for our robot use. There is a stop button that makes halting our robot completely, possible. With the software, our first test was to program the robot to do a complete 360-degree,two-foot diameter circle. This was a success!


Given Goal/ Experiment:

Our group was then prompted to determine the distance that our robot could travel in one second of motion.  We measured the distance the robot traveled in one second, using a ruler, and subtracted the program’s estimated measurement of distance. Using the given formula:


measurement with ruler- program measurement

measurement with ruler + measurement of program



With our measurement with ruler being= .267m

and our program measurement being= .264m

we were able to find the measuring error with the ruler to be 1.13%

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