Pandora Promise


Pandora’s Promise is a documentary about the history and future of nuclear power. The film covers the discussion about this controversial topic. Through the documentary, a neutral concept and position about the nuclear power are “try” to be maintained by presenting the different sides of this issue and at the same time trying to answer the question we all ask “how do we continue to power modern civilization without destroying it?”. However; many said this is a pro-nuclear propaganda which I found to be an interesting attitude toward the topic provides a curious perspective on how environmentalist and supporters of nuclear power support stand on this issue.

Although a stronger “neutral” position will be preferable when talking about nuclear power; the documentary shows support towards nuclear power and even takes the time to expose the myths behind this topic. Most of these are concentrated the discussion over the danger that comes together with nuclear power and in discussion to the historic events that have been inevitable and, unfortunately, relevant because of this problem.

Through the documentary I was very impressed with the amount of support nuclear power got from different “environmentalist”; in my opinion, a person is either with or against something and this is the same with nuclear power you either love the environment or support and believed nuclear power is actually helpful for the environment and for our future and for the future generations.

Underexposing this extremely dangerous power, and hiding it under “pro-nuclear” words, mean supporting a developing of a process that with more power and support could end up affecting us all around the world. It’s been proved, and we have lived through many different nuclear disasters that have been underestimated in this film just to hide the causes of nuclear power. Underestimating the amount of death and horrible causes that a nuclear disaster brings with it is just not correct. Unluckily, It is extremely hard for me to agree with the statement established along this documentary, after researching about different causes of nuclear disasters and its horrible effects on the environment and humans life I find extremely hard to support a cause that it’s been originally known as bad, dangerous, and even in my opinion “lethal top our health” to be considered as “not as bad.” There are many things that can go “wrong” when dealing with such a delicate issue. It is not just to say that we will build safe nuclear power station when back in 2011 one of the worst nuclear disaster happened followed by a natural disaster even though the nuclear station was well built and put together and was consider as “safe” this end up causing a horrendous disaster to be remembered through history.

The way they showed facts and “proves” did not do a good job convincing me that nuclear power is “good” I strongly believed it’s not, even more after watching the documentary.  Exposing and “highlighting “other causes dangerous effects to hide the once produced by the nuclear power it’s not a right way to achieve or convey a concept.


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