Generator Experiment


Shake it up 

For this week’s lab, we decided to shake up things a little bit. We started working on groups of 3 Carter Hubert, Shahad Alsudais and I worked together in this generator experiment. The lab consisted of demonstrating Faraday’s law which states that changing magnetic flux in a coil produces electricity. The purpose of this experiment was to understand the relationship between the energy and power with a hand powered flashlight

In order to perform the experiment, my group and I each shook the tub for a period of thirty (30) seconds maintaining a constant rate. We each counted the number of times we shook the tub and recorded the number. As we shook the tub, we got 30 data times which then, using an excel spreadsheet we took the numbers recorded by the program and squared each number. The next step was to add the numbers all up and obtain a total. This process was repeated four different times recording different rates of shakes. This was done to obtain 5 different results and create a graph with a trend line which shows the end result of our experiment.

The chart below shows our results obtained with the experiment

chart lab 3

Generally, when doing this experiment, you will expect data to increase with a number of shakes however we experience the opposite as it’s easy to see in the graph below how our numbers actually decreases with the number of shakes. When doing experiments, we are exposed to any form of human errors we might have done during the experiment.

graph lab 3

It possible could mean that the last few trials we were low in energy and our shakes were different which caused an alteration in our final results. Regarding the results of this experiment, the actual practice was good to reinforce the concept of Faraday’s law just discussed in class.

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