Lab 2 Pulley Lab

Pulley Lab


For this week’s experiment following the class lecture my teammate, Xiaofeng Zheng and I, performed the pulley lab activity together. The goal of this lab was to study and explore Newton’s 2nd law of force and motion. In order to perform this lab, we used once again the Lego Mindstorm robots to evaluate two different scenarios. The first scenario we did consisted of recording how acceleration changed when the power applied was changed and mass was fixed. While the second scenario consisted of recording how acceleration changed when mass changed and power was fixed both scenarios were performed five (5) different times to evaluate five (5) different values ten (10) time in total.

constant forceconstant mass.jpg graph'

As we were expecting acceleration varies with mass. When we interchanged different values of masses leaving a constant power of 60 acceleration decreased as mass decreased. The graph below shows the results obtained when this scenario was performed

constant force.jpg graph

On the other hand, the acceleration also varied when a power level was changed. When we interchanged different power values leaving a constant mass at 0.24 kg the acceleration increased as power increased. The graph bellow shows the results obtained when this scenario was performed

constant mass

Note: 33 cm were recorded from the bottom of the pulley to the top which was constant during the whole experiment.

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