Keystone XL Pipeline

The Keystone XL pipeline is a pipeline system that transports synthetic crude oil from Canada to the to the Gulf of Mexico. The project needs to cross international borders; therefore, in order for it to be done they need to get approval from some countries. One of these countries is the United State, where the project will bring energy security and economy strength to them. The Keystone XL pipeline will allow both Canadiens and Americans oil producers to more access to the oil refining market. Also, the project will help to reduce the U.S dependence on oil from Venezuela and the Middle East by 40 percent.


However, this pipeline system is facing criticism from environmentalists. Although the project will provide more jobs, deliver $800,000 or more a year and rise the economy, it has some negative effects. Any leak from these pipelines will cause a huge damages. If the oil leaked into the water and the ground, it will affect the environment and the farming operation. On the other side, the Keystone XL pipeline routes will help to ship 25 percent of the oil through the pipelines, which is less expensive.


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