The President’s Climate Action Plan

Each government works to fulfill the responsibilities it has towards its citizens. One of these duties is to create a clean environment that allows people to have a decent life. The Obama administration is working on some actions to control issues concerning climate change. Some of these initiatives are cutting carbon pollution in America, prepare the country for sever climate events and leading international effort to address the global climate change.


Cut Carbon Pollution in America :

The Obama administration goal is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission, that lead to global warming, to take control over the climate change disasters. Now, they are increasing the generation of electricity by using wind and solar energy which indeed will help to reduce the carbon emission and pollution. Another way is by cutting carbon from power plant and use renewable energy source. Obviously, there isn’t a law to prevent plants from releasing carbon but many states and companies are shifting to cleaner sources to use.


Prepare the United State for the Impacts of Climate :

The concern is how to control the climate change and avoid the impacts it cause to the country. The U.S made a crucial step by releasing a climate change adoption plan. This is basically strategies to protect certain missions and programs from any climate effect. One step to prepare the people for the climate actions is building stronger and safer communities and infrastructure. Improve hospital’s capacity to serve more patients and building a stronger infrastructure that can withstand against storms.


Lead International Effort to Address Global Climate Change:

The Obama administration is working on the climate change actions to reduce the greenhouse gas emission. Therefore, working with other emitting countries like India and China will help to achieve the goals related to climate change. There are many actions that have been addressed with regard to climate change. Reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation is a one which represent one third of the global emission. The Obama administration is working with other governments to make a system that reduces land use related to emission. Also, another action is expanding clean energy use and cut energy waste. Most of the emission can be assign to energy use.

69 thoughts on “The President’s Climate Action Plan”

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