Fukushima Daiishi Disaster

Fukushima Daiishi nuclear disaster was due to a tsunami (according to experts), which happened in Japan on March 11, 2011. Since the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (in 1986), Fukushima daiichi disaster is the world worst nuclear disaster. It causes serious damages to the Daiishi nuclear plant. Some radionucleides (due to hydrogen release) have polluted the air; the population has been evacuated within a radius of 20 km. Luckily, there were not any death due to the disaster. The tsunami had a magnitud of 9, and was implied by an earthquake deep of 15m.
The power supply and the cooling system of three reactors of the Daiisha power plant was broken-down (releasing some chemicals in the air), due to the tsunami.
Accordind to a recent report by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission, the cause of the nuclear disaster might be also due to both the earthquake, and the tsunami which followed the earthquake. It claims that while the earthquake, the first reactor might have been affected, causing the release of some coolant. The commission of investigation of the Fukushima daiishi disaster claims that the safety conditions in nuclear plants must be reviewed by the japanese government, and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO, charged to maitain the Daiishi power plant), and that the disaster could have caused less damages, or even been avoided if the government, and the TEPCO had used indispensable safety conditions.
The safety conditions have to be reviewed in all other japanese nuclear plants, even if it might take a long time, because Japan might be vulnerable to another disaster like the Daiishi’s disaster.

Here is a video giving some details about what happened to the reactors:

References :

Report: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Was Man-Made



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One Response to Fukushima Daiishi Disaster

  1. szechaili says:

    Impressive video
    Well organized paragraphs

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