''High-voltage lines in western Germany. The country's energy revolution is stalling.''
Germany is the biggest invest the most in the production of wind power after China, India, Spain, and the US; it is also the largest investor in new capacity in photovoltaic (PV) solar and biodiesel production, and the biggest in solar hot water and heat after China since 2010. Germany is among the first countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It became the leader of green policies expansion.
Over the last ten years, the expansion of Germany’s renewable energy was remarkable. The CO2 emission decreased by 23 per cent comparing to the nineties levels. in 2009 the CO2 emission per capita might be decreased by about 23 percent comparing to the nineties levels. In two decades (from 1990 to 2010) the total energy consumption increase from 1.9 percent to 10.9 percent, and the tenth of total energy consumption was from renewable energy (biomass with 7.7percent, wind with 1.5 percent, and hydro-power with 0.8 percent). Adopting green policies lead Germany to to get 44 percent of the solar PV capacity, and the third largest wind capacity in the world. (photo) By the years 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050, the emission of greenhouse gases are to be cut by respectively 40%, 55%, 70%, and about 80 to 95 %, (percentages relative to 1990 levels). By 2050, Germany’s electricity supply product from renewable energy will be at least 80%. One of the next plan is to produced more power at the sea and along the coast, instead of generating power near the place it should be used.

''The village Feildheim, near Berlin, gets all its energy from 43 wind turbines dotting the fields around it and a biogas plant that turns farmyard manure into gas-powered electricity. Photograph: Damian Carrington for the Guardian''
The economy has also benefited from the Germany’s green policy. About 340,000 jobs has been created in the area of renewable energy by 2010. The German government is involved also in sustainability in the area of transportation, they are encouraging people to use smaller cars for less pollution. The taxes fixed by the German government for car sales, gasoline, oil and are really high comparing to other countries; in the beginning of the year 2011, the price of a gallon of regular gasoline in USA was less than the one in Germany.
Germany’s green policy is certainly one of the best project against global warming, but it is getting German’s life a bit higher with the increase of electricity price. Around 420 suppliers of electricity in Germany have increased their prices for electricity suply.