Solar Energy Lab



In this solar experiment, we were asked to understand the relationship between light intensity and the voltage output of the solar cell as well as the relationship between the wavelength of light and the voltage output of the solar cell.


To perform this experiment, we are provided with one solar cel, one voltage probe, one light source and several colored film filters. We’ll need the same program than with before experiments (Labview VI) to find out the voltage output of the solar cell. Then finally, we’ll had to use Excel to write down all the data and make a chart.


We can distinguish two parts in this experiment.


The fist one, where we just had to put the light over the solar cel without any filter. We repeated this process six times, each time putting the light farther from the cell, so changing the light intensity.



Distance      Average Voltage

0cm              0.069 (no light)

0cm             0.404 Light

5 cm            0.356 Light

8 cm           0.298 Light

10 cm         0.333 Light

12 cm         0.325 Light



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   We can understand with this that the further the distance the lower the voltage; this is due to the fact that the solar cell captures less light when the flashlight is at a greater distance.




In the second part of the experiment, we didn’t change the distance of the light, but we put different colored filters. We tried 5 different times; the first one without filter, and then changing from light blue to red.


In this chart we can see how the filter affect to the voltage even in the distance of the light doesn’t change:



Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 3.53.14 PM

PS: at the end of the experiment we found out that a cable was a little broken so maybe the data is not exactly.

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