The Museum of Science



I’ll start the blog saying it is the third time I’ve visited the museum this year.


The Museum of Science is an outstanding science museum! Albeit it’s geared towards kids, there is a lot of things for adults as well.


They have a number of various areas covered in this museum. Everything from animals, to the scietific method, trail and error, electricity, experimentation, advancements in technology, etc. There were a million items happening here simultaneously.


This museum had several interactive items for kids and adults alike. Some are obviously more child oriented but allow for competition between kids or even between adults(like we did…)




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I don’t agree with some of the hypothesis that the museum declared as fact. For example the politics of global warming. There is not yet confirmation that this is a man made thing and not just a normal cyclical thing. Perhaps if we had more data than it would be solid but with scientists on both sides of this, it would be interesting to see both viewpoints covered, wouldnt it?



In the link below, you can see an exhibition of large-scale color photographs about the climate change in the world:



One of the most helpful things I’ve seen in the museum, related to our class, was about learning how wind turbines generate electricity. There is a really interesting exhibit about this theme.

In the link below you can learn a little more about this show named “Catching the Wind”:





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