What is a FPLC?
2022 Campus-wide campaign
October 2022
What is Equity Quilt?
Participants from all corners of the University contributed their quilt pieces focusing on their dreams and wishes for an equitable future at Suffolk. Participants were asked to consider questions such as:
“What does equity at Suffolk look like to you?”
“How do you envision equity in the Suffolk community of the future?”
“What are your hopes for equity in the Suffolk community of the future?”
Read more about African American quilt-making; social change through AIDS awareness quilt-making.

2023 Campus-wide book discussion

The community read eight chapters from Nikole Hannah-Jones’ 1619 project:
Ch. 6 Capitalism
Ch. 7 Politics
Ch. 8 Citizenship
Ch. 9 Self-defense
Ch. 10 Punishment
Ch. 11 Inheritance
Ch. 12 Medicine
Ch. 13 Church
FPLC Members 2022-2023

Left to Right
Julie Nguyen (Career Center)
Micky Lee (ally)
Maghnus O’Seaghdha (ally)
Ilona Anderson (Art and Design)
Audrey Goldstein (Art and Design)
Marilyn Plotkins (Theatre)
Joyya Smith (Diversity, Access, and Inclusion)
Felicia Wiltz (Sociology and Criminal Justice)
Not shown above
Jamie Bondar (CLAS)
Michael Dello Iacono (Moakley Archive and Institute)