Most of you reading this, I am guessing do think that global warming is true. Most of you reading this also know one person who thinks its a myth and that is where this fun argumentative debate starts. Already you think this person must be an “idiot” of some sort just because he/she thinks that global warming is a myth but the real question is how do you reason with a person about a topic as touchy as global warming. I wish I had the answer for you but I do not because some of these people are not the idiots we think they are. They may hold a high office in government, private sector or public sectors.
How ever I will tell you about f of the top 10 most respected skeptics about global warming. Yes I did say “respected” because the offices they hold in society are to be respected undoubtedly.
The first one I will mention is Will Harper who is a highly-respected physicist out of Princeton, he believes that green-house effect is nearly the cause of water vapor and clouds and just a bit effected by CO2. He also states that the atmosphere already has soo much CO2 in it that adding any more will not do anything because the ones in the atmosphere are already blocking most infrared radiation from getting into the earth. What I found funny is when he says that we need global warming in order for the earth to be warm and not cold all the time. The Second one I will mention is Ivar Giaever, He is a Noble Prize winner in physics. He is not a leader within the skeptics but believes that there isn’t enough information compelling global warming worth spending so much time on. Let me just repeat this guy was a Noble prize winner in physics. My third person is Physicist Freeman Dyson who has been recognized for being a giant in his field for decades. However the British-born Princeton professor is also a skeptic to global warming. Like Giaever he also thinks that adequate data is just not there yet. The fourth man is now a celeb because of his views, Alan Carlin is an EPA economist who wrote a paper saying that global warming is all just a “hoax.” He was censored by the EPA for being too heretic. He welcomed on the Glenn Beck show because of it.
Lastly, my favorite Patrick Micheals. If you want to call anyone an idiot then this “respectable” man might be your guy. As a CATO scholar and a GMU professor, he believes that we are ina long-term warming trend and that carbon dixiode has nothing to do with it. My next words are not a typo but true words from Mr. Micheals; he believes that each additional greenhouse gas molecule has less and less of an effect.
The question is, are these smart and well repected people “idiots” or are we just fooled by the news and inadequate data to believe in global warming?